Hey baby is that my face plastered all over social media or are you stalking me? by Sandra Lee Schubert

I hate to tell you this--- if you have your photos on Facebook or any other social media site people

will look at them, judge them, talk about them and even mention they saw them to you.

Duh. We are curious creatures, prone to stick our noses into things, get a taste of the grass, the lay of the land. We like to look. There I said it.

If you post things about yourself- people will read it. They may respond and they may share it. It is the nature of the beast. If you are a bit skittish. Don’t like personal stuff shared around the world? I suggest you stick to showing people the family vacation pics via your old slide projector. I am not being mean. You will be happy. Your friends won’t be happy- because, you know, slides. But you won’t feel intruded on at all.

So let me tell you this- one of my roles in life is social media management. I can scan your account and tell a lot about you. I know what you are doing wrong if you are business, or what your favorite food is by perusing your posts. And if any social media manager is worth their salt (or pay) they will pay attention and respond accordingly. Hey, you couldn’t find your favorite ice cream at the local market? I may be able to help you. Want to promote your show? Become my best friend- I will promote the heck out of you. Be patient. I will run out of steam and then someone else will have something I will want to share. At the end of the day, I have your interests at heart. I want to see your art sold. Your music listened to. I want you to have millions of dollars rain down on your head. We/me like to see people succeed. Honest. 

But let me say this... Social media people, like me, can get on your nerves. We are always there. We like your pages. We share your links. We introduce you to other people again- nature of the beast. We aren’t weird. We are working. If you are not used to being promoted it can freak you the hell out. “What they like me, they really like me?” Yes, Virginia, we do. 

I am like a big ole’ puppy. I have a ball and I like to play. So if I, or someone like me, does get on your nerves, just tell us. Nicely. Privately. In-person. In a FB message. Tell us. “You know you freakin’ scare me when you respond at 6 AM with the location of the dress I want to buy.” Or, “you mentioned me six times today- scary.” Listen sometimes our feelings will be hurt, but we understand. This social media game is not for everyone. Being exposed to like a trillion people is nerve-wracking. It can make you feel like your skin is on fire. But most of us just want to engage and play. Again, I have a ball and I do really want to toss it to you. 

So, if I know too much about you… don’t take offense. Honey just check your status, because you just plastered your baby coming down the birth canal to the whole world. Check private next time- we’ll be happier. Don’t know how? Well I just happen to know some great social media managers that can hold your hand through it all. If you are still afraid get off Facebook and read a newspaper. Watch TV. I’ll be over here playing with my ball. We can talk by the garden gate later. It will be all right.

#essay, #maximizeyourmessage, #networkingtips, #Personalpower, #Productivity, #successinlife, #tipsforsuccess

Photo Credit: Sandra Lee Schubert

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All works are the original content of Sandra Lee Schubert.

Works are not to be used except with permission from the author, Sandra Lee Schubert, and with a link back to this site.

Works have been published in more than one location by the author.


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